Central Asia and the Caucasus: journal of social and political studies

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Center for Social and Political Studies (Issuing body) ; Central Asia and the Caucasus, Information and Analytical Center (Issuing body)
Format: Print Journal
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Published: Luleå CA&CC Press 2000-2015
Luleå Central Asia and the Caucasus, Center for Social and Political Studies (Sweden) -2005,1
In:Year: 2000
Volumes / Articles:Show volumes/articles.
Standardized Subjects / Keyword chains:B Mittelasien / Caucasus
Further subjects:B Economic order
B Economic policy
B Journal
B Regional conflict
B Economic development
B Internal policy
B Caucasus
B Social policy
B Länderbericht
B International policy
B Asia
B Political system
B Politics
Parallel Edition:Non-electronic
Published:[1.]2000 - [10.]2009 = Nr. 1-60; 11.2010 - 16.2015
Item Description:2016 fortgesetzt als Online-Ausgabe
Urh. bis 15.2002: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Information and Analytical Center (Sweden)