Benedikt XIV. Papst 1675-1758

Born: 31.03.16751675-03-31T00:00:00+00:53, Bologna
Died: 03.05.17581758-05-03T00:00:00+00:53, Rom
Other Names:
  • Benedikt XIV Pape
  • Benedikt XIV Pope
  • Benedictus XIV. Papa
  • Lambertini, Prospero
  • Benoit XIV. Pape
  • more
Occupation: Pope / Jurist / Historian
Personal Relations: Lambertini, Egano (Neffe)
Corporate Relations: Catholic church. Pope (1740-1758 : Benedikt XIV.)
Geographical Relations: Place of birth: Bologna
Sterbeort: Rom
Location of work: Bologna
Location of work: Rom
Location of work: Ancona
Country: Italy (XA-IT)
Country: Vatican City (XA-VA)
Biographical References: B Wissen
GND (118655434)
Wikidata (Q126711)
Archived Material: Archivportal-D
Subsystems: Index Biblicus
Index Theologicus

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  • Benedetto XIV.
  • Benedetto XIV. Papa
  • Benedict XIV. Papa
  • Benedict XIV. Papst
  • Benedictus 14 Papst
  • Benedictus XIV Papa
  • Benedictus XIV. Papa
  • Benedictus XIV. Pape
  • Benedictus XIV. Papst
  • Benedictus XIV. Pope
  • Benedikt XIV Pape
  • Benedikt XIV Pope
  • Benedikt XIV. Papa
  • Benedito XIV. Papa
  • Benoit XIV. Pape
  • Benoît XIV.
  • Benoît XIV. Pape
  • Benoît XIV. Papst
  • Benoît XIV. Pope
  • Binīdīktūs
  • Bénoit XIV. pontife
  • Lambertini, Prosper
  • Lambertini, Prospero
  • Lambertini, Prospero L.
  • Lambertinus, Prosperus
  • Prosper de Lambertinis


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678 |b Erzbischof von Ancona 1727, Kardinal 1728, Erzbischof von Bologna 1731, Papst der Römisch-Katholischen Kirche von 1740-1758; Gegner der Jesuiten 
692 |a Annotazioni sopra le feste di nostro Signore 
692 |a Breve di Benedetto XIV. e decreti di S. M. Fedelissima 
692 |a Delle feste di Gesu Cristo ... 
692 |a Lettera Scritta al. Card. Gio. Ant. Guadagni Suo vicario in Roma*. - s.a. 
692 |a Lettera della Santita ... Papa Benedetto XIV. al Card. Carlo Vit* 
692 |a Lettera a Monsignore Ign. Reati, primo maestro delle cerimonie p* 
692 |a Lettera a Monsignore Ign. Reati, primo maestro delle ceremonie p* 
692 |a Lettera ... sopra il celebrare la messa sedendo 
692 |a Raccolta di alcune notificazioni 
692 |a Selectae quaedam Constitutiones, Bullae, Decreta, Epistolae ... 
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