
The Index Canonicus is a comprehensive, international database and bibliography for canon law, Protestant and Orthodox canon law and state church law. It is based on the merger of the two canon law databases KALDI (Innsbruck) and DaKaR (Münster) with the canon law holdings of the Index Theologicus (Tübingen).

In addition to articles from journals and collected works, monographs, databases, archival material and bequests, encyclopaedia articles and relevant internet links can be searched. The data of selected review organs are also included in the Index Canonicus. The Index Canonicus offers special searches on ecclesiastical and secular court decisions as well as on universal and particular laws. When licensable, the full texts of essays, reviews and books can be accessed directly.

The Index Canonicus is a free open access offering to the worldwide specialist community. The publishers of the Index Canonicus are

  • the Specialised Information Service in Theology [Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Theologie] at Tübingen University Library together with the two theological faculties in Tübingen
  • the Institute for Canon Law at the Faculty of Catholic Theology (University of Münster) in cooperation with the
    • canon law departments of the universities of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Freiburg, Mainz, Regensburg and Tübingen
    • and the canonical departments of the dioceses of Hamburg, Osnabrück and Limburg
  • the Chair of Canon Law at the Institute for Practical Theology of the Faculty of Catholic Theology (University of Innsbruck)

We hope you enjoy discovering the Index Canonicus and are grateful for your feedback!

KALDI started in 1995 using the STAR literature database. The database could be used over the Internet via browser-based access. From 1995 to 2019, the year of migration to the IxTheo, the database, which increasingly enjoyed great international interest, grew to around 34,000 data records.

As part of the cooperation, KALDI has so far been able to add around a further 9,000 data sets (as of February 2023).


The "Datenbank Kanonisches Recht" (Canon law Database) has been recording canon law literature since 1985. Together, about 50,000 titles have been indexed over the years.

DaKaR is a cooperation of currently nine parties. These are the chairs of canon law at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg, the University of Regensburg, the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, the Catholic University in Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the Westfälische Wilhelms-University in Münster and, as non-university institutions, the Vicariates General in Hamburg, Limburg and Osnabrück. In the past, the Vicariate General of Erfurt and the Chair of Church History at Radboud University Nijmegen have also participated.

In 2016, the Index Theologicus team asked for the first time whether cooperation and thus a larger joint database was possible. In 2021, the DaKaR was fully migrated to the Index Theologicus and thus also to the Index Canonicus. At present, around 2000 new titles are added each year by DaKaR and improvements are also made to the "old" data, so that the search in the Index Canonicus can be continually improved with the help of the DaKaR network.

IxTheo (Church Law)

The Tübingen University library (“Universitätsbibliothek” or UB Tübingen) maintains since 1975 a database and a bibliography in theology called Index Theologicus which covers all theological subjects and disciplines. The leading journals, series and monographs in the field of canon law and church law have been included in our bibliography from the beginning.

Since 2019, the Specialised Information Service (“Fachinformationsdienst” or FID) in theology at the UB Tübingen has been indexing literature on canon law in cooperation with the chair of church law at the Catholic faculty of theology of the University of Innsbruck, publisher of the canon law database KALDI. The Institute for Canon Law (“Institut für Kanonisches Recht”) in Münster, publisher of the canon law database DaKaR, joined this cooperative enterprise in 2021.

Since the data from both KALDI and DaKaR was migrated in the Index Theologicus, the indexing of literature on canon law has been performed cooperatively and has been available to the global research community since 2022 under the name Index Canonicus.

The titles available in the Index Canonicus constitute a subset of the Index Theologicus. They are chosen according to selection criteria related to the research field. As a specialised subsystem of the more general Index Theologicus, the Index Canonicus constitutes a targeted offer for research in church law and provides additional benefits through its comprehensive indexing and its field-related selection of literature.

The Specialised Information Service (FID) in theology provides the library tools necessary for cataloguing and indexing the literature to its cooperation partners. It is also responsible for the hosting, automatic procedures and technical implementation of the service.

Discover IxCan

Codex Search

In the Index Canonicus you may search for results on a specific canon of the codices. To do this, please first set "Canon law passages" to the right of the search field. You can also use the Canon Law Search slot directly.

Now you may enter the desired codex followed by the desired canon. For c. 517 of the CIC/1983, enter "cic83 517". This works analogously with the CCEO (cceo) and the CIC/1917 (cic17).

You will now receive all titles for which a reference to the corresponding Canon could be found.

Special search for the "new canones" for Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus (2015) and Pascite gregem Dei (2021): It is possible to search specifically for these canones. To do this, the advanced search must be set and then searched for the keyword "Strafrechtsreform"(reform of criminal law) or "Eheprozessrechtsreform"(reform of matrimonial procedure) and, for example, for the Canon "CIC83 1311". The result will only show articles that contain both keywords.

For a detailed introduction to the codex search see here.

Good luck with your Codex Search!


You can start a search on all the titles catalogued in the Index Canonicus by clicking on the “Find” button. You will then find over 175,000 titles.

You may narrow down the search according to certain criteria by selecting the corresponding facets. For example, you can select the “Electronic” media type, the “Article” format and the “German” language. The number of titles is now reduced to about 2,300.

Search by content

IxTheo Classification

For this purpose, you can use the advanced search by clicking on “Advanced Search” underneath the search field. There, you will find the IxTheo classifications among others. The following classes are available for Church Law:

  • SA Church law; state-church law
  • SB Catholic Church law
  • SC Church law; Anglican Church
  • SD Church law; Protestant Church
  • SE Church law; Orthodox Church

You may select the corresponding classes by clicking on them. You may also select a range of classes by holding the “shift”-key while clicking on the start and finishing items of the range. If you want to select several individual classes, just hold the “Command”-key (on Apple computers) or the “Ctrl”-key (on Windows computers) while clicking on each item.

After selecting your options, just click on “Find” to start a search on the IxTheo classifications you selected.

Search Terms

Enter the term in the search field and leave the search category on “All Fields”. IxCan will then search for the term you entered in all search fields.

To conduct a search by content, you may find the search category “Subject” very useful. In this case, the search is conducted on subject headings assigned by our staff.


The Index Canonicus offers three different ways to browse. You can access it by clicking on “Browse” in the area below the search box.

IxCan - Find Topic

When you select this option, it opens an additional search field in which you may enter your search term. This term is then used as the starting point of the browsing.

1st example: enter the term “Canon Law”. You will then see a list of subject heading strings in which the term "Canon Law" occurs in combination with other terms.

2nd example: enter the terms “canon law” and “Woman”. You will then see a list of subject heading strings which contain the words “canon law” and “Woman”.

Browse the Catalogue

The standard browsing function of the software used by IxCan (VuFind) makes it possible to browse through various fields: DDC-Classification, IxTheo-Classification, Topic (subject heading), Author and Publisher. In a further step, you may determine the items you wish to browse by using other fields.

For example, select “Author”, then “By IxTheo-Classification”, then “SA Church law; state-church law”. You will then see a list of authors who have worked in this subject field, sorted according to the number of their works catalogued in the IxCan.

Browse Alphabetically

With this search option, you can decide at which point in the alphabet you would like to start the search. After you’ve selected the browsing category (you may select among Topic, Author, Title or DDC-Classification), enter the letter at which you would like to start to browse.

1st example: select “By Author” and enter “Z” next to “starting from”. You will then get a list of all authors whose name starts with the letter “Z”.

2nd example: select “By Title” and enter “Tr” next to “starting from”. You will then get a list of all the titles which start with the letter “Tr”.

Full Text Search

The new Full Text Search provides searching in commercial and free full texts, TOCs and Abstracts.
Comprehensive information is given in the description.

Personalized searches

Many useful functions are at your disposal when you create a personal account. Once you’ve registered, you may log into your account by clicking on the link called “Login” on the top right corner.

By clicking on “Your account”, you come into your personalized area. You may then use the following functions:

Alerting function

The alerting function lets you know when new articles from certain journals and new volumes from certain series are available. You may decide in which cases you would like to get a corresponding message.

In order to receive such “alerts” for a journal or a series, you must mark the corresponding entry for the journal or series as a whole. You can do this by clicking on the “Bell” symbol which you will find on the right side of the corresponding entry. You can manage the list of publications marked for an alert in your account under the heading “New Issue Alerting”.

1st example: in order to get alerts for the Theologische Quartalschrift, search for the title of this journal or enter the abbreviation “ThQ” in the search field. Then select under “Format” the “Journal” facet. You will get two entries as a result: one for the printed, and one for the online version of the journal. In this case, it would be preferable to mark both media types for an alert.

2nd example: in order to get alerts for the series “Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament”, search for the title of the series or enter the abbreviation “WUNT” in the search field. You will then get a list of entries. Mark the series by clicking on the “Bell” symbol.

We will try to make the selection of journals and series for the alerting function more user-friendly in the future. We plan to offer the possibility of marking whole blocks of journals which are catalogued in the IxTheo according to their academic discipline.

Saving search requests

Your current search requests are temporarily stored in the search history. If you would like to have permanent access to certain search requests, you can save them permanently in your account. You may then use them again through a simple mouse click. This feature might be useful for complex requests or for subjects in which you have a continuing interest. In this way, you will find the latest literature on a given subject or area of knowledge.

Saving favorites

You can save interesting titles directly in your account by clicking on the “Asterisk” symbol which you will find on the right side of the corresponding entry. They are then permanently accessible, and you don’t have to waste any time searching for them again. In order to sort such “favorites”, they are kept in lists which you define yourself. In this way, you can assign interesting titles to specific research projects or subjects.

In your account, you can also export your favorites, send them per e-mail or print them.

Person Information Pages

A new milestone has been reached with the introduction of the person information pages in IxCan. Next to the standard search and the full text search, a third tab called Persons / Corporations is now available.

The person / corporation information page allows users to search for specific authors, corporations and conferences (or conference proceedings).

Retrieve all persons, corporations and conferences by clicking on FIND. You can refine your search by selecting the appropriate criteria in the facets:

  • Record Type: Person / Corporation / Conference (Proceeding)
  • External References: Authority files / Links to Wikipedia, Links to archives etc.
  • Occupation: Theologian / Historian / Priest etc.
  • Language: German / English / French etc.
  • Location: Berlin / London / New York etc.

Person information pages offer some biographical information and further links, e.g. to Wikipedia, archives and external resources.

The information stored in IxCan on this person are processed and displayed in a clear manner:

  • Literature from the author
  • Literature on the author
  • Relationships to other persons
  • Topics (subject headings) on which the author published
  • A chronology of publications

A few examples of well-known authors:

Additional Cooperation Partners

Cooperation Partners of the Institute for Canon Law (IKR)

Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Chair of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Legal History at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

The Chair of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Legal History at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is a long-standing cooperation partner. Under the leadership of the chair holder, the team is dedicated to the collection and evaluation of the ecclesiastical official gazettes of the (Arch)Dioceses of Bamberg, Eichstätt, Speyer, and Würzburg. Additionally, the Chair of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Legal History meticulously analyzes and systematically records important academic journals such as "Kirche und Recht" (Church and Law), "Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung" (Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History: Canon Law Section), "Zeitschrift für Evangelisches Kirchenrecht" (Journal of Protestant Church Law), and "Kanonika." These journals serve as significant sources for current research and developments in the field of canon law.

Universität Freiburg

Chair of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Legal History at the University of Freiburg

Within the project, the Chair of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Legal History at the University of Freiburg takes care of the formal and content indexing of various legal texts as well as canonical literature. The legal texts include the Official Gazette of the Archdiocese of Freiburg as well as the Communicationes, which are published by the Dicastery for Legal Texts at the Vatican. The specialist literature includes De Processibus Matrimonialibus, Revista espanola de derecho canónico, Revue de droit canonique and The Jurist, an international and multilingual selection of canonical topics.

General Vicariate in the Archdiocese of Hamburg

General Vicariate in the Archdiocese of Hamburg

The General Vicariate in the Archdiocese of Hamburg is the authority responsible for the general diocesan administration. The ecclesiastical official gazettes of the Archdioceses of Hamburg and Berlin as well as the Diocese of Dresden-Meißen are recorded for the database.

Bistum Limburg

Diocesan Curia of Limburg

The official gazettes of the dioceses of Fulda, Limburg and Trier as well as the official gazette of the Austrian Bishops' Conference are evaluated by the Diocesan Curia of Limburg for the Index Canonicus.

Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz

Seminar for Canon Law, Canon Law History and State-Church Law of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

The Seminar for Canon Law, Canon Law History and State-Church Law of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz has been a cooperation partner of the IKR-Münster in the processing of the canon law database since 2009. In addition to the official gazette of the diocese of Mainz, the chair's team searches and enters articles relevant to ecclesiastical and constitutional law from scholarly and jurisprudential journals, the Osservatore Romano (German weekly edition), the canonical journals Jus Missionale (Urbaniana Rome), NomoK@non (Munich), as well as the series Kirchen- und Religionsrecht / formerly Kirchen- und Staatskirchenrecht and Mainzer Beiträge zu Kirchen- und Religionsrecht.


Institute for Canon Law at the University of Münster

The "IKR" is responsible for networking and overall organisation among the equal cooperators. This is where the information is collected and forwarded, and the IKR can always be contacted in the event of problems with the recording and indexing of the various titles. The IKR also ensures that the individual essays and sometimes the associated keywords are transferred to the database. In addition, the IKR makes sure that any errors are corrected. The IKR also records journals and series itself. These include, for example, the Official Gazette of the Diocese of Münster, the series "Essener Gespräche zum Thema Staat und Kirche", the supplements to the Münsterischer Kommentar on the CIC, but also somewhat more internationally, for example, the newsletter of the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

Episcopal Vicariate General Osnabrück

Episcopal Vicariate General Osnabrück

Relevant articles from the official gazettes of the dioceses of Osnabrück, Hildesheim and Görlitz as well as the official gazette of the military bishop's office are registered via the Episcopal Vicariate General Osnabrück.

Lehrstuhl für Kirchenrecht an der Universität Regensburg

Chair of Canon Law at the University of Regensburg

After an interruption, the Chair of Canon Law at the University of Regensburg is once again a co-operation partner of Index Canonicus. Within the project, we are primarily responsible for recording the official gazettes of the dioceses of Augsburg, Passau, Regensburg and Munich-Freising as well as the journal "Anzeiger für die Seelsorge".

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Department of Canon Law at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Tübingen

The Department of Canon Law at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Tübingen joined the cooperation project in 2014. We index the Official Gazette of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, the Italian journal "Daimon" as well as the "Tübinger Kirchenrechtlichen Studien", including the "Kleine Wissenschaftliche Reihe".